Artist Statement

Through experimentations with various paintings I found myself as an artist developing a new style that focuses on the process of creating art. As a United States combat veteran that suffers from post-traumatic stress, I’ve found this process as therapy for me. By taking pieces of my past works and energy drawn from my emotions and combining them with my drawing ability, I can now express my true emotions and also tell a story with my art.

I believe that it is my duty as an artist to help people who are dealing of with the same problems that I suffer from. Whether it’s talking to them about the things I do to clear my mind, showing them some exercises, or just inspiring them with my art work, the goal is to strengthen the mind, body, and soul to help deal with emotions like anger and sadness. Through my artwork I intentionally highlight issues that affects underrepresented groups. These issues include racism, miseducation, woman empowerment, and treatment ofveterans.

I hope that my various art styles will one day gain global recognition as I will continue to provide quality artwork. I am a true fan of art and I appreciate others’ talents as much as I appreciate my own. I will continue the journey on my sun glistened path in hopes to one day receive global recognition. My art is a skilled technique powered by my imagination brought to life in order to visually communicate to the world. Enjoy!

-Quentin Crockett